Our School
About Our School
It is an honor to be entrusted with your student’s education. Thank you for joining our community. We look forward to a positive year of growth and a commitment to learning. Welcome!
Hidden Lake is an alternative high school grounded in the development and implementation of relationship building to assist students in finding success. To that end, the program and staff are dedicated to providing learning opportunities that are personal and prepare students for the world of work or college. Each staff member is dedicated to connecting to the individual student as a listener, helper, role model, or coach.
Students at Hidden Lake have the opportunity to make positive changes in preparation for life. A commitment to take advantage of this opportunity is critical to ongoing success in school and life. Student responsibility will be to share your vision of success and allow us to be a partner in achieving success by following the program expectations. We believe that ALL students can succeed.
The comprehensive success of Hidden Lake High School is the students’ responsibility. It is their responsibility to stand up for Hidden Lake and make sure that others work and behave as expected. The success for one is success for all. Hidden Lake depends on this commitment.
Hold success in your hands. If you believe in yourself, share your vision, dream your success and act upon your dreams; you will find success.
Welcome to the Hidden Lake family.