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Hidden Lake High School Alternative Program serves the following purposes for Westminster Public Schools. 

§  To provide a setting of mutual respect and dignity with a common goal of learning.

§ To support and assist students in developing the life skills necessary to increase confidence, self-esteem, and demonstrate success in school.

§  To grant access to an alternative educational setting for students to attain their goal of high school completion.

 Philosophy:   The alternative school offers flexible ways of supporting students who are unsuccessful or do not fit in the traditional world of public schools.  In the alternative school students are allowed to learn and utilize new thought processes and behavior patterns to realize success.   

Students are taught how to learn so they are able to function in society as self-sufficient, successful, contributing individuals.  Students often rebel against irrelevant material and things they do not see as “real world.”  The result, too often, finds students failing classes and becoming disengaged in school.  Hidden Lake High School is dedicated to assisting students in finding success and transitioning to the world of work. 

Every student counts, has a life, and needs to be recognized for their unique place in our world.  All students can learn and be successful; ALL means ALL.